KOBOLD Instruments Inc • 1801 Parkway View Drive • 15205 Pittsburgh, PA • Tel: +1 412 788 2830 • E-mail: info@koboldusa.com • visit koboldusa.com

temperatur.gif Temperature

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Digital Display (1) Bellows (1) Liquid Expansion (4) Gas Expansion (5) Pyrometer (1) Thermocouple (4) Resistance (Pt100/NTC) (13) Bimetal (4) Ball valve (1) Infrared (1) Hand-held device (1) Other (4)

In many production and process industry, the material temperature as well as the control of material temperature plays an important role. Depending on the type of material and medium used, different thermometers or temperature sensors can be used. Kobold offers the industry, a wide range of temperature measuring devices, temperature switches and temperature sensors, which can be permanently installed or can be used as hand tools.

Thanks to the wide range of solutions in this area, right solution can be found quickly and simply for every production house and every company. From simple temperature sensors for rooms and ambient environments up to temperature switches for liquids and materials having variable tripping temperature are available for selection.
The available temperature measuring instruments are both analogue and digital; operate with infrared, with bimetal electrodes or with corresponding display liquids for analogue glass thermometers, which are used for machines.

Wide selection of temperature measuring instruments allows flexible use in a wide range of industries and production areas, as well as the temperature monitoring for a wide range of temperature ranges.

Temperature monitor and temperature switch for each application area

A constant monitoring and checking of the temperatures must be ensured in all sensitive working materials. In addition, quick reaction times are often of great importance when temperature is exceeded. Above all, temperature switches and temperature monitors can be integrated into the relevant circuit. When a previously defined temperature limit is reached or exceeded, these temperature monitors and temperature switches are switched and can be used as openers or as normally open contacts, depending on the model and design.

This allows the temperature to be optimally monitored in a closed circuit and protected from overheating by a fast and responsive protection circuit. If accurate and exact temperature monitoring and a corresponding response to temperature extremes are desired, modern temperature switches offer a good and professional solution.

These offer the advantage that the temperatures on the digital display can be directly read and set limits can be adjusted with on and off delay and hysteresis. Thus an exact reaction to changes in the temperature can be optimally planned.

Temperature sensors and temperature measuring devices are available in a huge variety of designs and offer a wide range of applications for different types of industries. Thanks to comprehensive connection standardization, temperature sensors, temperature switches and temperature measuring devices can be easily integrated into various production houses and can be fixed and permanently installed there.

Due to the excellent processing and high stability, these temperature sensors and temperature measuring devices can be used without deviations over a long period of time.

Every temperature measuring device from Kobold - whether digital, analogue or by IR measurement is tested before use and is therefore long-term stable with the lowest error tolerance. At the customer's request, the temperature measuring device can be individually calibrated and verified. This means that the user can always rely on the data from the temperature measuring devices and the quick reactions of the temperature monitors and temperature sensors.

Temperature measurement of rooms and surfaces

If the temperatures of rooms or surfaces have to be measured, an IR temperature sensor is generally used. Such a digital temperature measuring device is generally available as a hand-held measuring device and offers high working comfort and quick performance. Temperature of a surface can be determined by means of an infrared measurement within seconds, which can be of decisive importance in the evaluation of materials and their processing temperatures. Such measuring devices are not only used in heavy industry but also, for example, in the chemical and food industry.

The same is true for temperature monitoring of rooms and containers. Here too, high-quality temperature measuring instruments and thermometers have to be used, which not only determine the data, but also pass it on to the corresponding systems. Using a temperature transmitter, the data from the various temperature sensors and temperature measuring devices can be quickly and easily integrated into the existing automation and monitoring systems via the supported BUS systems and thus can be retrieved centrally at any time.

On request, various measuring instruments are available, which allow a direct reading of the temperature on the measuring instrument itself. Thus, it is possible to react flexibly to the different requirements.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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