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mma.png: Insertion Temperature Sensors with/ without Transmitter MMA

Insertion Temperature Sensors with/ without Transmitter MMA

Measuring range: -198 ... +250 °C (MMA-H); -70 ... +150 °C (MMA-0)
thread, clamp DIN 32676, VARIVENT®, UNION NUT DIN 11851
Bulb Material: stainless steel
Sensor: Pt 100
Electrical connection: plug DIN 43650, M12
Output: Pt100 or 4 - 20 mA
Option: plug-on display model AUF


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Instruções de operação

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MMA - Operating Instructions

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General Safety Instructions

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KM Soft setup

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA

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