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nms-fuellstand.png: Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter NMS - Compact Line

Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter NMS - Compact Line

Measuring length: 300 - 3000 mm
Accuracy: ±1 mm
Material: St. steel oder PFA with floats from SS, Titanium or PFA
pmax: 25 bar
tmax: +90 °C
Analogue output: 4 ... 20 mA HART®, 2-wire


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564 KB

Operating Instructions

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NMS - Operating Instructions

273 KB


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General Safety Instructions

190 KB


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NUS-NTB-NRM-SW software

Configuration software

28,3 MB


NMS magnetostrictive level transmitters are ideal solutions for high accuracy measurements of clean fluids. Its high precision renders the NMS suitable for custody transfer measurements. Integrating the transmitter into a process control system is easy thanks to the intelligent signal processing and communication software as well as the wide range of accessories offered.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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