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Diferenciálny prietokomer ZFC
S teplotnou kompenzáciou
Rozsah merania: 0,000 010 ... 9 999 999 s premenlivou desatinnou polohou
Vstup: cievka / sínusový signál (HI: 20 mVpp alebo LO: 80 mVpp - voliteľná citlivosť), NPN/PNP, otvorený kolektor, jazýčkový spínač, Namur, aktívne impulzné signály 8, 12 a 24 VDC
Digitálny výstup: 2 x NPN kontakt, max. 50 VDC - 300 mA
Analógový výstup: 4 - 20 mA
Napájanie: 8 - 24 VAC/DC
Prevádzkové podmienky: -40 ... +80 °C
Komunikácia: rozhranie RS485, Modbus RTU
Displej: LED podsvietenie, LCD displej s veľkými 17 mm číslicami, napájanie snímačay
Návod na obsluhu
The flow computer model ZFC has been developed to calculate corrected differential liquid volume at normal conditions for generic products. A typical application is the measurement of fuel consumption by engines for power generators, e.g. on board ships and locomotives. The usual difficulties encountered in such applications include: pulsating flows, very low consumption readings, vibration and high ambient temperatures. These are all well catered for in the design and operation of the ZFC. The corrected volumetric flow in each line is calculated using the thermal expansion coefficient algorithm stored in the flow computer. The reference temperature can be defined as desired, e.g. 15°C, 20°C or 60°F. The ZFC is your first and safest choice for field mount indicators, especially in harsh weather conditions like rain, snow, salty atmospheres and temperatures between -40°C up to +80°C (-40°F up to 176°F).