KOBOLD Instruments Inc • 1801 Parkway View Drive • 15205 Pittsburgh, PA • Tel: +1 412 788 2830 • E-mail: info@koboldusa.com • visit koboldusa.com

Coriolisův hmotnostní průtokoměr HPC
Pro malé průtoky
Měřicí rozsahy: 0 - 20 kg/h ... 0 - 50 kg/h
Procesní připojení: ½" NPT vnitřní, G½ vnější, Gyrolok®/Swagelok® 6/8/10/12 mm
Měřicí trubice: nerez. ocel 1.4571
Průtočné těleso: nerez. ocel 1.4404
Pouzdro: hliník, nerez. ocel
pmax: PN400
Teplotní rozsah: -40 ... +180°C
±0.1 % z měřené hodnoty ±stabilita nulového bodu : kapaliny
±0.5 % z měřené hodnoty ±stabilita nulového bodu : plyny
±0.005 g/cm³ hustota
analogový (HART®), binární, pulzní, stavový výstup
odolnost proti vibracím, velmi robustní průtočné těleso, variabilní kryt a koncepce montáže

Návod k obsluze
Ke stažení
The coriolis mass flowmeter HPC works according to the coriolis principle. Mass flow, density and temperature are being measured simultaneously. The volume flow can be calculated from these measurements. HPC mass flow sensors are only available with remote transmitter.
For the measurement of very small flow rates it is common practice to use single pipe coriolis flowmeters. However, with the use of just one measuring pipe the influence of external interferences increases dramatically, often necessitating a costly decoupling. The HPC uses a dual bent pipe measuring system. Furthermore, the sensor coils are not mounted on the measuring pipes anymore but between the pipes. This provides the sensor with a significantly noise-reduced and predictable dynamic behavior, capable of working at higher frequencies, thus further decoupling the sensor measurement from external vibrations.
With these characteristics the HPC coriolis sensor is therefore not only extremely accurate, but also particularly resistant against external interferences. The sensor is therefore very suited for very low flow measurements for all applications for nearly all liquids.