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Industrial Batching System, Counter and Flow Indicator DAG-AXI
For panel mounting
Programmable, 6-digit LED
1 totalizer / diference / distant indication,
1 rate meter Min/Max-memory
Dimensions: 96 x 48
Input: frequency up to 34 kHz
Output: 0(4) - 20 mA, 0 - 10 V, 4 contacts, RS232 / 485
Operating Instructions
The industrial indicator DAG-AXI can be used as a very flexible and accurate laboratory device. However, it was designed with rugged plastic housing and high protection IP 65 for rough industrial applications.
The globally used, proven electronics designed for durability undergo a 3-day quality test under full load after assembly. The device is programmed quickly and safely from a PC or with the 5 keys.
The operator can record and easily alter all parameters at once with the convenient user interface. Devices may also be upgraded with the pluggable options.