KOBOLD Instruments Inc • 1801 Parkway View Drive • 15205 Pittsburgh, PA • Tel: +1 412 788 2830 • E-mail: info@koboldusa.com • visit koboldusa.com

hartcomm-zubehoer.png: HART® Modem HARTCOMM


Temperature de fonctionnement: -25 °C … +55 °C
Boitier: Polystyrene
Connexion  PC: USB 1.1 „B” connector
Cable PC: USB „A-B” 1.8 m
Connexion à HART® filed: KLEPS 2
Longueur du câble spiralé: 0.6 m (1.1 m)

Indice de protection : IP 20
Protection électrique : Classe III
Poids : 0,1 kg


Instructions d'utilisation

application/pdf; charset=binary

HARTCOMM - Operating Instructions

308 KB
application/pdf; charset=binary

HARTCOM - Operating Instructions

269 KB


application/pdf; charset=binary

General Safety Instructions

190 KB

Driver for HARTCOMM modem


HARTCOMM HART® MODEM provides interface connection between field devices (slaves) with HART® and IBM compatible PC.

Due to the test cable terminating in clips there is no need to disconnect the cable.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA

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