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twl-temperatur.png: Resistance Thermometers TWL

Resistance Thermometers TWL

Measuring range: -80 ... +600 (Exd), -198 ... +600 °C (Exia)
Connection: thread, flange, weld-on sleeve
Bulb material: stainless steel
Sensor: Pt100, 2, 3 or 4 wire
Accuracy class: A or B
Option: head mounted transmitters 4 - 20 mA, HART®, Profibus® PA, Fieldbus®


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Operating Instructions

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TWL Ex d - Operating Instructions

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TWL Ex ia - Operating Instructions

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Displays LPI02/ST0028/KMDFON - Operating Instructions

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General Safety Instructions

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II 1 GD Ex ia IIC T4...T6
II 1 GD Ex iaD 20 IP65 T85°C

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II 2 GD Ex d IIC T6
II 2 GD Ex tD A21 IP65 T85°C

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The KOBOLD resistance thermometers comprise a rugged installation fitting made of stainless steel with thread, flange or weld-on connection, a connection head out of aluminium casting and a removable measuring element. The measuring insert can be replaced without emptying the installation, since the customised thermowell remains in the installation and seals the process.

The instruments are supplied with the ignition protection Exd as a standard and therefore can be installed in relevant hazardous areas. A Pt100 temperature sensor according to IEC 751, category A or B is fitted in the measuring insert as standard. Depending on customer request the temperature sensor can be carried out as 2-, 3- or 4-wire circuit.

Alternatively these sensors can be designed as single or double resistance thermometers. Exceptional the 4-wire version, which can only be build with one Pt100 due to lack of space. As an option the resistance thermometers can be supplied with a head transmitter.

Transmitter with a standard 4-20 mA signal, with HART ® protocol or with PROFIBUS ® /Fieldbus ® are there to choose from. Beside the available resistance thermometers according to DIN- standard, there are customised versions relating to the immersion length, the connection head, the materials, the process connection or the tolerance classes deliverable on request.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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