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mak-durchfluss.png: Thermal Mass Flow Meter MAK

Thermal Mass Flow Meter MAK

Measuring range: 0 - 10 Ncm³/min ... 0 - 500 Nl/min N2
Connection: ¼" NPT, ¼" - ½" compression fitting
Material: Stainless steel
pmax: 6 bar
tmax: 50°C
Accuracy: ±(1) 1,5 % of full scale
selectable gases
Analogue output (selectable), Counter, Modbus
Option: Needle Valve


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Operating Instructions

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MAK - Operating Instructions

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General Safety Instructions

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The new MAK series KOBOLD digital mass flow meter has been specially developed for use in gas measurement, where excellent accuracy, high reliability, robust casing, stainless materials and maximum flexibility are important.
MAK is equipped with an indicator that employs a proven flow sensor. It has a function to indicate the integrated flow rate, in addition to the existing instantaneous flow rate indication.
A model with a flow sensor and precision needle valve in one unit is also available.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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