KOBOLD Instruments Inc • 1801 Parkway View Drive • 15205 Pittsburgh, PA • Tel: +1 412 788 2830 • E-mail: info@koboldusa.com • visit koboldusa.com

adi-1-zubehoer.png: Universal Indicating Unit ADI-1

Universal Indicating Unit ADI-1

For all Inputs
(Frequenzy, current, voltage)

Indicator: digital, bargraph combined
Input: current, voltage, frequency
Output: analogue output, contacts, sensor supply
Mounting: panel mounting, field housing


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351 KB

Operating Instructions

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ADI-1V - Operating Instructions

2,5 MB
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ADI-1F - Operating Instructions

1,7 MB


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General Safety Instructions

190 KB


The KOBOLD indication unit is used for displaying and processing of process values. Frequencies or standard current/voltage signals may be processed as input signals. Most output signals from transducers can thus be displayed. The indication is displayed via a 5 digit display and a 55 point bargraph.

All internal process parameters in different configurations can thus be displayed. All programming is done with 4 front buttons in three different programming modes. 4 internal alarm parameters can be freely assigned to the 2 limit switches, on the optional analogue output, or on the display elements.

Using the corresponding totaliser and alarm correlation basic dosing functions can be realised. Various alarm and control functions can be triggered by the digital control input or by pressing a button.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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